Wednesday, October 29, 2008

new everything...

so...these are the "new" things i have as of today:
  1. new the preschool in winter haven (lovin it btw...just waitin for that first big check!)
  2. new puppy...he's the cutest lil chihuahua in the world (and the baddest!); we named him aiden (btw that's irish for "little fire" which fits him perfectly!)
  3. another new puppy (maybe getting her 2mrw)...she's a mix of cur & bulldog (or something like that) and she's soooo adorable! we haven't figured out what we're naming her yet...

so that's all the new stuff i have so far...hopefully more new things will come!! i can't have the name of the preschool in my blog cuz i say naughty words & they don't want that associated with the school....completely understandable though!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

yayy for new jobs!!

so i definitely just got a new job at this effin awsum preschool!! i'll totally be taking care of rich people's kids, so it's gonna be awsum!!! i can't wait to start on monday!! i'm so freakin ecstatic....i'm gonna get paid a lot more too! instead of only making $7 an hour, i'll be making $9.50 an hour!! and i'll get benefits (after the whole "waiting period" thing of course) and they'll even help me pay for school!! yayyyyyyy i love getting a new job!! lol ps...jennifer definitely told me there are a ton of great places to eat lunch at over by the preschool!! YESSS!!! i love working at places close to restaurants!! that's how u meet new people!! lol so....i'll be back after monday to give another update!! yayyyyyyy!!!!